Yes, everyone loves fall. There are just too many great things that come with the season after all. You’ve got football, you’ve got pumpkin, and you’ve got a whole lot of apple cider to enjoy! At the same time, though, you’re also looking at a huge pile of leaves to rake and if you don’t get started soon, the work (and leaves) will just keep piling up on you.
Experts agree that the greatest danger about raking leaves during autumn season is that people don’t think much of it. They don’t realize that raking is a serious and strenuous physical activity that may require you to seek urgent care assistance in Cupertino if you don’t do it properly.
According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, almost 1,100 people turn up every day in the fall in emergency rooms due to injuries sustained from raking leaves. Here are some of the injuries commonly sustained by patients. Read more from this blog: