Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Cupertino Urgent Care Clinic: What You Can Do in Case of a Leg Injury

A leg injury is typically caused by an unfortunate incident such as a fall, a slip, or a sporting mishap like the one illustrated below in a recent Yahoo! Sports news article. Initial treatment for a broken leg usually begins in a Cupertino urgent care clinic like U.S. HealthWorks Medical Group, where a doctor can evaluate the injury and perform the appropriate treatment for it.

Rest and elevation

Do not let the patient put any weight on the leg. If swelling develops, have the patient lie down to rest and elevate the injured leg on some pillows. If the patient needs to get up, have him use crutches.


Monday, April 7, 2014

Efficient Urgent Care in Cupertino Can Mitigate Measles Infections

Usually there are fewer than 60 cases per year, but in 2013, at least 175 cases were reported in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. At its peak, measles killed 500 people a year in America and hospitalized about 48,000.”

Measles can initially manifest with the same symptoms as the common flu, such as high fever and a runny nose. However, it doesn’t take long for measles to develop its trademark red rashes, and by then, it would be too late for patients to prevent developing the disease. Individuals, particularly children, should seek immediate vaccination from a center for urgent care in Cupertino.


Friday, April 4, 2014

Urgent Care in Cupertino: How to Prevent Injuries in the Workplace

It’s a fact that the accidents can happen at any time in the workplace. Even in the Silicon Valley, where many people work while sitting at a computer, injuries can happen. While it is still the employer’s responsibility to ensure a safe work environment, every employee should be aware of what to do should an accident occur.

When a workplace injury occurs, the affected employee must be brought to the closest medical facility for treatment. Cupertino urgent care, a center managed by U.S. HealthWorks Medical Group, can provide injury care services for the common workplace injuries described above, and more. Should you find yourself injured in or near Cupertino, you can visit a well-equipped Cupertino walk-in clinic for quick treatment.
