Friday, May 9, 2014

Urgent Care in Cupertino: Gadgets No Match for Thorough Physical Exams

Hospitals and similar other medical offices usually offer to conduct physical examinations for patients. However, such services often require patients to have medical insurance, which can bar the uninsured from receiving the examinations they badly need. Fortunately, a Cupertino urgent care center such as U.S. HealthWorks Medical Group can attend to patients whether they’re insured or otherwise.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Flu Vaccination Still On-Going in Many Cupertino Urgent Care Centers

Recent studies have shown that the most common influenza strain circulating is the H1N1 virus, a.k.a swine flu. Fortunately, those who received the flu vaccine from a trusted urgent care in Cupertino need not fear swine flu as the 2013-2014 flu vaccine protects against the H1N1 strain.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Cupertino Urgent Care Center Can Aid in Your Running Injury Recovery

To treat an injured runner, a physical therapist in a Cupertino urgent care center will first conduct a physical evaluation and ask questions about the runner’s habits, routine, techniques, and equipment. Sometimes, simply by observing an injured runner’s gait, the therapist can already pinpoint the source of a problem. Depending on the degree of the injury, the therapist may recommend that the runner modify his running habits or take a break from the activity completely.